Jimmy Dawkins Born In Poverty (Toulouse Paris '71 '74)(blues)(goingdownsouth)[FLAC][h33t]
Torrent info
Name:Jimmy Dawkins Born In Poverty (Toulouse Paris '71 '74)(blues)(goingdownsouth)[FLAC][h33t] torrent
Torrent added: 2009-10-05 10:03:13
Torrent Files List
Jimmy Dawkins Born In Poverty (Toulouse Paris '71 '74)(blues)(goingdownsouth)[FLAC][h33t] (Size: 322.41 MB) (Files: 15)
01-Marcelle Morgantini's Cassoulet.flac
30.58 MB
02-You've Got To Keep On Trying.flac
35.03 MB
03-Born In Poverty.flac
28.17 MB
04-Ain't Never Had Nothing.flac
17.43 MB
05-Off Business.flac
33.58 MB
06-Your Love.flac
20.55 MB
08-Mississippi Bound.flac
40.26 MB
09-It Serves You Right To Suffer.flac
18.64 MB
10-Ode To Billy Joe.flac
17.20 MB
11-Mean Atlantic Ocean.flac
31.08 MB
12-Marcelle Jacques Et Luc.flac
24.43 MB
Jimmy Dawkins front.jpg
192.27 KB
Jimmy Dawkins tracks.jpg
128.95 KB
Jimmy Dawkins tray.jpg
152.96 KB
0.02 KB
Torrent description
Saw a concert of him in that period, on stage he played, nothing else, but his music is fenomenal,so
my collection of him, most of his work is already in the torrent world..
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